Newark City Council votes to limit recreational marijuana sales to existing dispensaries –

NEWARK, Ohio (WSYX) — Newark City Council members unanimously passed an ordinance that would limit the number of locations where recreational marijuana can be sold.

According to the ordinance, only the existing medical marijuana facilities in Newark will be able to obtain a dual-use license.

There are currently three medical marijuana dispensaries in Newark.

The ordinance requires any facility that wishes to apply for a dual-use license to already “possess and maintain an operation as a medical marijuana dispensary and be complaint with the state.”

“This allows what the voters wanted but also takes a cautious approach,” Newark City Councilman Michael Houser said. “That’s a benefit. We can get the recreational marijuana that the voters put forward, but we are doing so in a way that helps our community not be too transformed by it.”

It’s the middle of the road approach. It’s not saying that we wouldn’t revisit this in the future. – Newark City Councilman Michael Houser

The ordinance was discussed during the city’s July 1 meeting, which was streamed on the city’s YouTube page:

“This marijuana is not the same we grew up with,” council member Beth Bline said during the meeting. “There is no good data out there yet because it’s still

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