Florida Qualifying Conditions: Medical Conditions for MMJ

In Florida, under Amendment 2 patients who have been diagnosed with any of the following debilitating medical conditions listed may qualify for medical cannabis. In addition to these conditions, Florida marijuana doctors can recommend medical cannabis for patients with any other debilitating medical conditions they believe the benefits of cannabis outweighs the risks.

Additional Medical Conditions that have qualified patients in Florida:

Any other debilitating conditions found below, which a doctor believes the use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks, have qualified patients for their Florida medical cards.

These are not found on the official Florida list of debilitating conditions however patients have been certified by a recommending doctor and received their Florida MedCard. Other medical conditions not specifically listed here may qualify as well.

MedCard Faded Medical Symbol

Get or renew your Florida Medical Marijuana Card?

For Florida residents, if you’re ready, we make it easy to connect with a certified recommending doctor to get your Florida Medical Marijuana Card. 

If your ready, fill out the MMJ patient registration form, then press submit. A doctors office representative with contact you to schedule an appointment. Legal Residents Only Please

MMJ Patient Registration Form

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