Blunt Truth: Inequities in Medical Marijuana Dispensary Accessibility in Pennsylvania –

18 Apr Blunt Truth: Inequities in Medical Marijuana Dispensary Accessibility in Pennsylvania Interview with:

Amy Kennalley, MBS First Year Medical Student Department of Medical Education Geisinger Commonwealth School of MedicineAmy Kennalley, MBS First Year Medical Student Department of Medical Education Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

Amy Kennalley

Amy Kennalley, MBS
First Year Medical Student
Department of Medical Education
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine What is the background for this study

Response: The legalization of medical marijuana (MMJ) and the number of qualifying conditions are expanding across the USA, emphasizing the need to understand the implications of MMJ dispensary distribution for equitable access. Pennsylvania (PA) legalized MMJ in 2016, with the first dispensary opening its doors in 2018. The state currently recognizes 24 medical conditions for MMJ use, including six for which there is insufficient or no evidence for their efficacy as a treatment. Prior research suggests that there is a link between proximity to dispensaries and overall MMJ use. However, a gap exists in our understanding of how dispensary locations might be associated with the specific qualifying conditions for which individuals

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