Council holds off on medical cannabis dispensary vote « The VW independent – Van Wert Independent

Approximately 40 people packed Council Chambesr at the Municipal Building Monday night. Scott Truxell/VW independent

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

A final vote to rescind a ban on medical marijuana dispensaries in Van Wert has been delayed until the next meeting of Van Wert City Council, which will be after the July 4 holiday.

During Monday night’s meeting, Van Wert City Council tabled a pair of ordinances related to medical marijuana – the one that would lift the ban and another that would restrict a dispensary to any B-3 zoned area within the city limits. The reason – council members plan to vote on additional legislation that would prohibit recreational marijuana sales. The legislation is expected to be approved at the July 8 meeting, and all three pieces of legislation would go into effect at the same time.

Before the decision was made to delay the final vote, Law Director John Hatcher told council the issue of allowing a medical marijuana dispensary could not be put before city voters. Councilman At-Large Jeff Kallas floated the idea at the last council meeting.

The hot button topic was the subject of a lengthy discussion during Monday’s meeting. More than 40 people packed council chambers

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