Dispensary Prices in Tamiami

Dispensary prices in Tamiami for medical marijuana products vary. These are the current menu prices at local dispensaries for the different product categories at full retail. Although to buffer these full retail prices each Medical marijuana Treatment Center brand offers their own set of available dispensary discountsDispensary prices in Tamiami are subject to change.


Flower: $25 – $50
Pre-Rolls: $35 – $45 (5Pk)
Vapes: Filled Disposable Vape Pens: $25 – $30, Vape Cartridges: $35 – $55
Tinctures: $40 – $65
Capsules: $40 – $80
Topicals: $65
Concentrates: $50 – $75
Wax-Shatter-Crumble: $50
RSO: $55
Syringes: $55 – $65
Transdermal Patches: $15
Edibles: $20 – $30
Accessories: $5 – $250


Flower: $30 – $50
Pre-Rolls: $12 – $42
Disposable Vapes: $35
Vape Cartridge Refills: $50 – $95
Kief: $35
Wax: $60 – $65
Edibles: $25 – $30
Shatter: $65
Rosin: $38 – $50
Tinctures: $45 – $80
Oral Syringes: $10 – $75
RSO: $55 – $75
Topicals: $45 – $60
Patches: $12
Accessories: $2 – $400


Flower: $30.50 – $150.50
Ground Flower: $50.50
Pre-Rolls: $14.50 – $30.50
Kief: $40.50
Vape Cartridges: $30.50 – $70.50
Oral Syringes: $35.50
Concentrates: $35.50 – $65.50
Wax & Shatter: $65.50
RSO: $35.50 – $55.50
Edibles: $25.50 – $45.50
Capsules & Orals: $35.50 – $55.50
Tinctures: $36.50 – $75.50
Topicals: $45.50 – $60.50
Accessories: $1.50 – $300


Flower: $25 – $45
Pre-Rolls: $10 (1/2 gram)
Vape Cartridges: $40 – $60
Concentrates: $20 – $65
Live Rosin Cartridges: $35
Syringes: $65
Accessories: $3 – $90


Flower: $35 – $70
Pre-Rolls: $10 – $17
Vape Cartridges: $50 – $85
Syringes: $55
RSO: $55
Tinctures: $50 – $80
Topicals: $100
Edibles: $25


Flower: $40 – $60
Edibles: $30 – $70
Vape Cartridge Refills: $50 – $95
Vape Pens: $30
Oral Syringes: $70
Tinctures: $40
Wax: $55
Badder – Sugar: $65


Flower: $19 – $25
Pre Rolls: $2 – $20
Vape Cartridges: $25 – $39
Syringes: $30 – $50
Edibles: $15 – $17
Tinctures: $6 – $50
Concentrates: $35 – $56
RSO: $30 -$50
Topicals: $25 – $30
Accessories: $2 – $60



Flower: $20 – $60
Ground: $15 – $25
Pre-Rolls: $7 – $15 (1 gram)
Capsules: $40 – $100
Vape Cartridges: $35 – $94
Edibles: $20 – $35
Concentrates: $20 – $75
RSO: $50
Rosin: $65
Wax: $35
Tinctures: $55 – $60
Syringes: $60 – $75
Accessories: $1.00 – $499

Topicals: $40
Nebulizer: $120

The Sanctuary

Flower: $40 – $70
Pre-Rolls: $16 – $40
Vape Cartridges: $45 – $80
Crumble: $160
Live Rosin: $60
Terp Sauce: $40
Tinctures: $35 – $55
Capsules: $28
Topicals: $15 – $30
Edibles: $11.25 – $36

Accessories: $2 – $420

New Rise Featured Image


Flower: $30 – $54
Pre Rolls: $8.25 – $35
Oral Syringes: $45 – 75
Vape Cartridges: $15.60 – $95
Vape Pens: $9.90 – $38
Tinctures: $22 – $40
Topicals: $45
Concentrates (Kief): $18


Flower: $30 – $150
Pre-Rolls: $10 – $15
Vape Cartridges: $35 – $55
Syringes: $45
Tinctures: $30 – $50
Shatter: $45
RSO: $45
Capsules: $30 – $40
Edibles: $15 – $40
Accessories: $10 – $70

Green Dragon

Flower: $25 – $45
Pre-Rolls: $5 – $20
Vapes: $35 – $40
Wax: $35 – $40
Shatter: $30
Tincture: $30
Edibles: $25
Topicals: $35
Tablets: $15
Accessories: $2 – $400


Flower: $35 – $55
Ground Flower: $35
Pre-Rolls: $15
Vape Cartridges: $35 – $65
Jam: $79
Badder: $79
Fresh Press: $79
Budder: $59 – $110
Sauce: $59
Sand: $69
Sugar: $59
Syringes: $75
Tinctures: $50
RSO: $60
Topicals: $50

Accessories: $2 – $400


The Flowery

Flower: $50 – $220
Pre-Rolls: $14
Hand-Rolls: $20 – $30
Vapes: $40 – $65
Rosin: $55 – $74
Badder: $40 – $160
Syringes: $35 – $40
Tinctures: $50
Accessories: $15


Flower: $25 – 60
Pre-Rolls: $8 – $12
Vapes: $30 – $65
Tinctures: $55
Batter: $25
Live Budder: $35
Live Sugar: $35
Crumble: $25
Wax: $25
Sauce: $40
Syringes: $60 – $65
Edibles: $25 – $40

Accessories: $10 – $25

House Of Platinum

Flower: $20 – $180
Pre-Rolls: $8 – $23
Vapes: $25
Sauce: $55 – $175
Rosin: $55 – $175
Edibles: $20
Accessories: $45


Flower: $35 – $70
Pre-Rolls: $12 – $35
Vape Cartridges: $50 – $55
Jam: $65 – $240
Badder: $65 – $85
Hash: $90 – $165
Edibles: $30 – $40
Accessories: $1 – $25


Flower: $49 – $79
Pre-Rolls: $10 – $49
Vapes: $39 – $55
Rosin: $64 –  $109

Edibles: $10 – $25
$1 – $600

Jungle Boys

Flower: $45 – $50
Pre-Rolls: $14
Vapes: $45 – $65
Rosin: $70
Budder: $70
Wax: $70
Accessories: $5 – $250

Gold Leaf

Flower: $45 – $50
Pre-Rolls: $10
Vapes: $25 – $45
Batter: $50 – $60

Accessories: $10 – $35


Dispensary prices for medical marijuana products can vary quite a bit between the different brands. Above are the regular every day prices you’d find at local cannabis stores in Tamiami for the different product categories they have available. 

Right now, we live in a very sweet spot within the states competitive medical marijuana program. With some of the biggest brands in the country and a setup that allows them to open up as many locations as they can, the competition is fierce.

Each of the Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers (MMTC) has different product selection, pricing structure, and available discounts up for grabs. There are everyday deals, including 1st Time Patients and Veterans, along with daily deals that can be found on their homepages as well as our FL cannabis deals & discounts page.

Now, not all dispensaries offer delivery, and their delivery fees vary, starting at free. If you’re interested in having your goodies brought to your doorstep, you’ll need to check out which dispensaries delivery near Tamiami.

The prices at Tamiami dispensaries can change, so make sure to check regularly to get a general idea of what they are charging. If your interested in keeping up to speed on what’s going on in the cannabis space, sign up for updates below.

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